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For Business (7)

How Your Company Can Make a Financial Fresh Start

Undoubtedly, it’s a trying time for businesses across all different industries. From supply chain issues to problems resulting directly from the pandemic, financial struggles are not uncommon—especially among new and emerging businesses. If you find your company falling on hard times, you can enact some strategies to help dig your business out of the hole and get a fresh start.

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Financial Advice for Seasonal Businesses

Running a seasonal business presents unique advantages as well as challenges. One of the biggest struggles you may face as a seasonal-business owner is managing finances. With the bulk of your income only coming during part of the year, you’ll need to implement a sound strategy to keep your business afloat during the leaner times.

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Tax Aspects of Selling Your Business

If you’ve decided to sell your business, you’ve got a lot of decisions to make — and your eventual tax liability may not be at the forefront of your mind. However, since this tax burden could severely cut into your profits, it’s important to consider strategies to preserve your wealth. Here’s a look at what to consider when selling your company.

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Is Your Business Ready to Go Overseas?

If your business is ready for new markets, new horizons, and new challenges, an overseas expansion could be exactly what you need. However, doing business in new countries is a huge step and shouldn’t be taken lightly. To increase your chances for success, consider these major points before you commit to going global. 

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Collecting Sales Tax: It's Complicated

The majority of U.S.-based businesses that sell products or services must collect, report, and pay sales taxes on a regular basis. As a business owner, it’s important to understand this process and to get intimately familiar with the local, state, and federal requirements.

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Should You Buy a Franchise?

It might seem like buying a franchise associated with an established brand and business is the fast track to financial independence. But becoming a franchise owner is every bit as involved as starting your own business from scratch — it takes time, dedication, and an informed approach. But if you know the ins and outs of franchise ownership, you could reap the benefits in a short amount of time.

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Setting Up a Work-From-Home Policy

Remote work has seen an exponential rise in popularity among employees in part due to the pandemic. With office spaces shuttered for months, work moved out of cubicles and communal spaces and into the home. And with major companies adopting work-from-home policies, this trend is not likely to change any time soon.

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