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For Business (2)

Can Crowdfunding Benefit Your Business?

In the ever-evolving landscape of business financing, crowdfunding has emerged as an innovative and compelling option for entrepreneurs and small business owners. Crowdfunding to raise capital involves reaching out to a broad audience, often through online platforms, to secure funding for business ideas, projects, or products. But can it truly benefit your business, and is it a viable option to explore?

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The Tax Benefits of Hiring Family Members

If you own a small business, hiring a family member is the same as hiring any other person — with a couple of important exceptions. When you employ your children or even your parents, you might be eligible for significant federal tax benefits. Once you’ve familiarized yourself with all the available perks, you’ll be ready to take full advantage of the ones you qualify for when tax time arrives.

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How To Build Credit For Your Business

One crucial element that can significantly impact your business’s financial standing is credit. Just as individuals rely on personal credit scores, businesses need to establish and maintain strong credit to access financing, secure favorable terms, and build trust with partners and suppliers. In this article, we’ll explore four methods to build business credit.

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Inventory Management 101: Are You Doing It Correctly?

In the world of small business, one crucial aspect that often gets overlooked is inventory management. Properly managing your inventory can have a major impact on your bottom line, cash flow, and overall business success. In this article, we’ll explore the fundamentals of inventory management, why it’s essential, and methods you can apply to keep your business financially healthy.

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Dos and Don’ts of Customer Retention

A healthy business must have a thriving customer base that provides stability as a major revenue driver. In fact, Harvard Business Review found that it’s easier and less costly to retain existing customers who already know your brand and your products or services than to acquire new customers. To have an effective customer retention approach, though, you need to make sure that your company considers these guidelines.

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Buy-Sell Agreements: What Do They Cover?

Successfully owning and operating a business comes down to preparation and follow-through. One area you may not be considering when you’re building your company is what happens if you or another part owner dies or becomes incapacitated. These and other scenarios are covered by what’s known as a buy-sell agreement, which is an essential tool for protecting your business in the long run.

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